Professional Technical SEO and consultancy in London

Looking for a technical SEO agency that provides the best technical consultancy in London? Look no further. Best Web Developers is the leading company in London that provides the best technical SEO services and consultancy in London. We look at the technical aspects and optimise your website for the search engine. We thoroughly analyse the whole website and provide the best solutions according to it. With our deep knowledge, we make internal changes that are 100% within our control.

With Our Help, You Can Leverage Technical SEO For Maximum Impact

A technical SEO agency is crucial for the website. Unlike other SEO, this also helps the website rank and get visibility. If you are facing an error of delay in your page, that means your bounce rate is increasing for every second your page delays. To solve the technical issues, we deploy our team of SEO consultants and technical SEO professionals to help revive your website. Technical errors in your website can affect your whole ranking.

In the worst-case scenario, Google’s bot won’t come to your website to crawl your pages. With the help of our professionals, you can leverage technical SEO for maximum impact. We will help you get rid of the flaws that are affecting your pages, such as:

Why Choose Us?

We Develop the Technical SEO strategies



We help create HTTP for users. Since it protects sensitive information like passwords and other user information from being compromised, it is important to make the website secure. With the help of SSL, we establish a secure connection on the website.


Page Speed

Page speed is a ranking factor for mobile and desktop both. With our technical SEO solutions, our best SEO consultants in London make sure your website loads quickly. With the help of Google’s page Speed insights tool, we check the site’s current speed.



Best Web Developers is a leading company that has technical SEO professionals and provides consultancy. Our professionals check the website to ensure that it is mobile-friendly. With the help of Google’s search console, we fix effected pages.



Structured data helps Google to understand what the particular page is about. By adding the right structured data markup code, we make your pages with rich snippets. Rich snippets provide additional information under the title and description.

We are the Client’s Go-To Technical SEO company

Our Solutions Are On Point

Technical SEO Audit

Meta Data Analysis

Image Optimisation

Our team of professionals performs the site audit on your website to check for errors. This audit is performed to identify the technical SEO issues that identifies the vital checkpoints, such as mobile friendliness, internal link structure, XML site map, page speed, indexation, site structure, and robots.txt.

You can increase your online visibility and gain more traffic with the help of meta tags. Metadata describes the page content to the website visitors. Our experts perform technical SEO for WordPress, where they analyse and optimise meta descriptions, title tags, keywords, alt attributes, and robot tags.

The main reason for delaying page speed can be the larger images. Larger images affect the website speed and drive away the visitors to your websites. Our technical SEO experts make sure to choose the right file format and reduce the file size of your image. With the help of the right plugins, we optimise the images.

Speed Optimisation

Backlink Analysis

Penalty Recovery

If your page speed is slow, it can create a bad user experience. It can also affect your ranking. That’s why it is important to fix the laid speed. Our technical SEO experts enables file compression to reduce the size of CSS, Javascript, and HTML files. It’s always the better to fix the technical issues as soon as possible.

We do this through the evaluation of numbers and quality of websites that are linking to the domain. It is better to gain better insights about the backlinks because if your backlinks are not from respected websites, then they will simply harm your website. We ensure that the links on your site are relevant.

Penalty recovery is a hard process, but we provide the complete solution to get you out of the Google penalty. Our professional technical SEO experts remove bad backlinks and duplicate content from your website. We get rid of every error that is affecting your website and help you remove the Google penalty.

Why Are We Clients' Best Technical Consultancy Agency?

We have been in the market for almost a decade now, and we have been helping our clients get rid of technical errors by providing them with technical SEO consultancy. We have been nominated in London for being the top technical SEO service providers. We have helped more than thousand clients in their journey. As a respected company, our technical consultancy is always on the point. By choosing us, you will make the right choice for your success. We are a one-stop company that provides services from web development to branding.

We can help you eliminate

  • Tank website with Javascript
  • Kill search engine crawl budget
  • The website that Google doesn’t like

Web Content SEO

Local SEO

YouTube SEO

E-Commerce SEO


We are Professionals Who SEO Consultancy in London

Offer professional work process.

The work process plays an important role. It tells the clients what the company does to execute the plan. As the leading company in London, we stay transparent with our clients and treat them as our partners. For that reason, we have gained respect inside London and outside. We are the leading technical SEO and consultancy providers in London.

Website Audit

Your website performance really matters. That's why we provide complete site audits for technical SEO, paid campaigns, conversion rates optimisation, backlink profile, analytics, and competition. By utilising the insights, we create our strategies.

Technical SEO

As the leading and award-winning technical SEO company in London, we deploy our professionals to handle your assigned project. We are Google-certified and can complete your project. From assessment to completion, we consult you at each step.

Full Service SEO

In the full-service process, our professionals identify the areas of improvement and fix everything that is not working fine. We eliminate anything that slows down your website, optimise your content and humanise your brand to appeal to search engines.

Analytics & Reporting

It is always the better option to track the analytics and reporting so we can stay on top of the website's online activities. After properly analysing the website, we make decisions accordingly and report them to the clients instantly and provide reports accordingly.

Web Strategies

During the consultation, we determine and analyse your current campaign status, marketing objectives and expectations. We ensure that our technical strategies are aligned with your goals. As the leading agency, we leverage multiple distribution methods.

Ongoing Support

After completing the client's assigned project, we wait for the result, and while waiting, we provide our clients with ongoing support. For us, our clients are our first priority. Unlike other companies, we don’t charge anything for ongoing support.

Providing Best IT Services

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Technical SEO is Important for Search Engine Optimisation

Technical SEO is the foundation of ranking websites. If a website is not built at its best, no amount of content and backlinks can rank it. We have technical specialists that will optimise your website technically and make it easy for Google to understand your website. We will help you increase your visibility and help you shine better than your competitor.

We make technical development according to the website and client needs. People sometimes confuse technical SEO and on-page SEO. Some people say technical SEO is more important for websites than on-page SEO, and some say on-page SEO is more important than technical SEO.

However they are both crucial for the search engine, but if your technical side of SEO is not strong, then no amount of optimised content can help rank that website. It is always better to first fix the technical issue and then fix the content. To give you rank, Google must first coral, index, and render your website.

Why Technical SEO Consultants Are Important?

Technical SEO is not like other SEO. You need to have a deep knowledge of technical things such as JavaScript, HTML, and many other things. If you’re not in a position to do so, your website can struggle in many ways. However, it is always a better option to hire technical SEO specialists.

Many people don’t hire a technical SEO team because of their thin marketing budget, which explains a lot. However, as the best leading technical SEO and consultancy agency in London, we offer affordable technical SEO consultancy. We want to give everyone a chance to shine, and that is the reason we are the leading company. In London, SEO is spreading, and almost every company offers SEO, but we are the best SEO consultants that offer guaranteed results.

Even with your thin budget, you can hire us, and our specialists will help you ensure your website is free of any risks, such as the Google penalty. Many marketers know their website has issues, but they don’t fix them because they don’t know where to start, and that’s where we come from.

We build solid technical strategies. Our strategies are based on search engine requirements, and we ensure that our strategies can be ranking factors. There is also a thing called web spam, which can be in the face of poor content and backlinks. We start from there and help our clients. Our technical SEO and SEO consultancy is for businesses of every size, whether you are a start-up, medium size company, an organisation or enterprise SEO. We help everyone.

Server-Side Rendering for SEO

We constantly test the standard HTML and frameworks. We take advantage of server-side rendering to outperform search engines. Rendering plays an important role; it enables Google to retrieve web pages, decipher the code, and understand its content structure.

As the leading company, we make sure that every page is designed with the end person in mind, and that’s why we choose the most effective type of rendering that is imperative. The server side renders, prepares an HTML file for the user-specific data, and sends it to the user’s machine.

Server-side-rendering is an important process that enables the website content to appear as fast as possible and eliminates the need to download and run the application. Server-side rendering is so important that famous frameworks such as Angular and reactJS use server-side rendering. Not just the framework, many big companies, such as Facebook and Twitter, also use server-side-rendering to render the content before showing it to the user.

The reason why our technical SEO team uses server-side-rendering is that it updates the part of the HTML which needs updating. It also generates a faster page transition between pages and a much quicker first contentful page, which is also known as the (FCP). It is simple, the less time a user waits for the page to load, the better experience it will provide to the user, and the better experience it provides to the user, the better it will be for the user.

Our technical SEO consultancy team always suggests server-side-rendering because it is much easier for the search engine than client-side rendered sites. Server-side-render is also known for being ideal for static sites because it is faster to pre-render a static page on the server before sending it to the client. Other than webpages server-side-rendering (SSR) also optimise your pages for social media.

One of the biggest problems people face with server-side-rendering is that it is sometimes expensive and hard to debug. But we have a team of professionals who can debug it easily and quote you affordable prices.


Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some frequently asked questions that are commonly asked by our esteemed clients

In simple words, technical SEO is all about improving the technical aspects of a website in order to increase its visibility on search engine result pages (SERPs). Technical SEO is crucial for search engines; without it, your website cannot rank. In order to rank the website, it is important that your website is error-free and running smoothly. Technical SEO helps you make your website faster, easier to crawl, and more understandable for search engines are the pillars of technical optimisation. As the leading technical SEO agency in London, we ensure that your website is error-free and runs smoothly. With our help, we can get you the ranking and the visibility you want.

Technical consultants are the professionals who make your website technically optimised so it can provide a better experience. We are the leading technical SEO consultancy company in London that will make your website faster, easy to index, and make the website structure coherent with both search engines and human users.

The important component is to ensure your website is optimised for the technical SEO, so search engines can effectively crawl it. If you are new, you must understand that crawling is an essential component of search engine work. Google crawls when search engines follow the links on pages. The crawling process is very effective for your ranking and visibility. If Google bot is coming to crawl for pages, that means your website has some technical issues that must be resolved as soon as possible.

There are many technical issues in SEO, such as no HTTP security, the site not indexed correctly, no XML sitemaps, missing or incorrect robots.txt, meta robot NOINDEX set, slow page speed, multiple versions of the homepage, duplicate content and many more.  Best Web Developers is the leading technical and SEO consultancy agency in London that will provide you with the complete solution to these flaws at affordable prices and with guaranteed results. We have a proven record of solving these issues and many other issues and provide clients with the complete solution and help them rank their websites by eliminating all technical issues.

Our services depend on the solutions you want, vary on the complexity of the project. However, we offer affordable prices to ensure our clients can shine in their goals. We are the problem-solving company that provides the complete solution to your problems. For us, our clients matter more than the money, and we treat them as our partners. By choosing us, you will make the right choice. For other queries, you can consult us for free by simply filling up the form, and our team will contact you as soon as possible.

Many people confuse technical SEO and content SEO. However, in simple words, technical SEO is all about improving the technical side of your website, such as website speed and loading errors. In contrast, content SEO is focused on improving the content, such as blog posts on the website and your website content. However, both are crucial for websites to rank. Neglect any, and you will not be able to rank on search engines. It is always the better option to choose professionals for your SEO. 

Yes, we have an in-house professional team of the technical SEO and a technical consultant team. Whose goal is to assist you and get you the best results.

Pricing Plan


£599 /mo


£999 /mo


£1299 /mo